Thursday, March 27, 2008
Good Or Bad
The price 'constructs' for the three markets looked at on this site are of coarse the DJI, SP500, and NQ100. Their price activity over the last eight months have covered about all possible paths from giddy new highs to ugly illiquid breaks. All three indexes are tied at the hip, and a perspective view of each tells a bit about the other. For example, the DJI, would have to decline to about 10700 to catch up to the downside action of the NQ100. The SP500 would have to fall to about 1177 to get all three to be linked to a half way back price area establish from the July 06 lows to the Oct 07 highs. Price action has not been bad when looking at the long term trends. Now this may be good or it may be bad. Fed and governmental intervention occurred not long after all time highs for both the DJI and SP500. If intervention works for the indexes it will have long lasting implications for this bull trend which started back in 1982. However, if the current price constructs for each fail here, it will lead to another wash cycle pulling most asset classes into the dinger for a price exam. Markets need to get up and out of here soon.