Rank | Stock | Fat | P/E |
1 | F | 215% | 7.3 |
2 | AAPL | 160% | 19.26 |
3 | IBM | 54% | 14.17 |
4 | GOOG | 31% | 23.62 |
5 | GS | 10% | 8.7 |
6 | MSFT | 0% | 11.32 |
7 | PFE | 0% | 26.29 |
8 | CME | -4% | 0 |
9 | BAC | -60% | 0 |
10 | C | -80% | 0 |
The Data above provided by QRiskValue shows percentage (FAT) gains or losses of 10 stocks from the price point where accumulation or liquidation began over the last 3 years. The P/E Ratio is shown to demonstrate how many dollars it takes to buy one dollar of return. Ford has been the best bargain but like AAPL is clearly a brand stock and more likely to attract investment dollars. Unfortunately, price headwinds develop because it gets harder to advance the stock when longs have such powerful gains. On the other hand, BAC and C have damaged brand names but ultimately less resistance although they might have less opportunity without crowd appeal.