Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Let's Get Long

Let's get long and volatile.

Jobs are few, stocks are down, no return on any money. Banks won't lend. Republicans look to start reign of terror over the next several years. TARP for banks and investment firms while it is austerity for everyone else.

Weakness in stock and index markets demonstrates just how vulnerable investments are today to stupid action. Gold keeps a bid as the dumbest form of investor climbs into the eventual giant bubble master deluxe gold fail-a-thon. Each day herds of gold bugs stampede up the lane to the top, merrily, merrily, etc. I thought ag bulls were the dumbest form of trader.

Jobs number on Friday does not have any fans, and in part, some of the Bear action has already been played in the first two trading sessions of this week. Stimulus by the Fed is being designed from some scientific invention which will be put into the food chain for economic consumption.