Market continues to bubble-up in Bubbelot, a land of the great expectancy of continuing low rates, low volume, and lots of lowly. This is the time of season when the impressive gaming occurs over the hills of stock expectations. It is a thing of beauty where an analyst and the company he covers dance together over better than expected earnings. What a surprise. There is joy everywhere.
And it came to pass in the land that there was plenty of talk about the how everyone had missed the big move in stocks. This could not stand. Yet one might understand however why the folks in Bubbelot might be afraid of getting smoked by the great downside again after being so patient for anything good for the previous 10 years. Their great hero, Ben of Bernanke, a tiny little man of great intervention, has committed himself to the struggles of the lessers by instituting what is being called the great wait and see. There is much to live for in Bubbelot.