Saturday, September 27, 2008

Let It Burn

Those chanting 'let it burn' may in an odd way be right, but who wants to travel down that road to find out. Most believe it is safer to bailout the pathetic titans and deal with the devil you know. But there is no mistaking that people are pissed off at Wall Street and the Treasury Secretary, who is from Wall Street, who played apart in creating the credit crisis, and now has the audacity to ask for $700 billion for bailout deals and then have all the actions exempt from judicial review. A Secretary who is a part of an administration which has provided so little intelligent thought, from an idiotic war, to the 2004 SEC ruling to allow the big 5 to leverage up to 40 to 1 , from the previous limit of 11 to 1. Now the big 5 are gone in one way or another. It is amazing the political race is as close as it is but the rank and file are there to pull the chain. Now we know which chain they are pulling.