Friday, December 19, 2008

Markets 2008

This will be the last post of 2008 for BaseOp2 as the year of every possible directional swing comes to a close. While the individual and institutional investors struggle to comprehend the magnitude of hurt put on the money pile worldwide, the deep bid/offer index markets of the US continue to provide the mechanics for sorting out value. Legging into recovery will occur as professional trading strategies along with the support of governmental intervention discover what value combinations will be the underpinnings for market recovery. New rules will be part of the 2009 trading environment with less leverage, but just as much opportunity for those able to decipher risk points to buy and sell in building winning performances.

It is tough to be courageous in these markets, and is made harder when relying on those elements of the market to recover, banks and brokerage, which failed us so. They survived in large part putting transactional deals together which had no value other than passing paper. It is easy to build daily routines in business and in life which offer no challenge, create nothing of value, and ultimately fail to build wealth to power good works.