Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Total Investment Serenity

There is a virtual drug formula which now allows the investment in all things of great potential and the same time permits one to forget about any risk. This formula, while quite simply, has been worked on for several years now by various world financial institutions, each contributing their own great thoughts to enable its completion. This drug formula will not be unveiled in any grand ceremony nor by any particular group. It is rather meant to be plugged into a central computing network to bring about Total Investment Serenity. TIS true. No more worries ever again.

The first to receive this new vaccine against economic disaster is Greece. While several drug companies have filed patents on similar notions, TIS is an attitude not a real drug. It makes you feel as if you can invest in anything stupid. Roll it all on any social network or any sovereign country debt without any unpleasant morning after effects. TIS is particularly affective on Credit Default Swaps. When used properly, TIS will create a feeling, no an obligation, that all things financial should be saved. This break through is believed to help corporations who might have given you a job feel better and also has proved affective in trial uses on the other guy who actually got the job but lives in another country. Similar trials are now being done to see if TIS works on bringing home off shore income with no taxes.

Side affects may include nausea, empty account syndrome, foreclosure, dizziness, and rash judgement.