Thursday, December 8, 2011

Corzine/ Trades Worse Than He Drives

Some idiot Congressman today ask Corzine if he had read the MF mission statement when he first took the job. That kind of fool question is a peek into the mindset of a politician playing to a theme or image of a world they want you to believe is out there. In the fools world Corzine would have responded, " Yes, I read it. And then I prayed about it with my family and we asked for guidance. "

While formulating his actual answer, Corzine was clearly thinking, " Do you think I read it? I am the freaking head of the company not some sh--head who's just walk off the street. Next question."

The important questions will be asked in the discovery process and then repeated in court years from now. But the only important questions for Corzine are rhetorical. Do you really trade worse than you drive? How come all you guys from Goldman keep screwing up so much? I thought you all were so smart?