Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Fix Is On

Packing a lunch for another trading day in which the bears will try to take advantage of the insecurity created by the constant delivery of bad news about corporate asset mismanagement or more recently, the bungling of TARP strategies. Tell me Paulson does not come out of the same corporate culture of Wall Street, from the great geniuses of Goldman, and collective transaction fee morons who equate insider positions with trading skills.

Paulson and Bernanke cried about the need for rescue funds and the creation of a new vista of transparency. Now, Bloomberg Corp has filed a Freedom of Information action against the Treasury just to get them to reveal what banks and other entities borrowed 2 trillion dollars and what was the collateral. Even Barney Frank is saying it is better for the public not to know about the identities of the parties involved.

Sinking every day without transparency is better than sinking everyday with transparency is an interesting theory but certainly not what we were told was going to happen as the financial cleanup boys screamed for legislation. It is hard for Treasury theorist which are heavily ex Goldman staffed, to really understand anything beyond working "the fix". Their ideas have always been based on taking care a transactional system which greases the insiders at the expense of market. They are fixers alright and the fix is on.